Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"Bad Girls" of the Bible

Our first Wednesday night back after the holidays, we had our Life After Birth Bible study. We portrayed different "bad girls" of the Bible and saw just how much we all have in common.
"From Wild Child to Raising One"
Mrs. Jenny was the first "Bad Girl" of the Bible,

"Bad to the Bone" Potiphar's wife was Mrs. Wren

Mrs. Denise portrayed Delilah who was the love of Sampson

Sharon told the story of Michal who was "Bad for a Moment"

Mrs. Dena had us divide into different groups then we shared with each other three ways of having a baby threw you off course. She wrapped things up by sharing with us that no matter what you've done in the past, your future is a clean slate with GOD!
We then made bookmarks with a list of the "bad girls" of the Bible
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
The old has gone, the new had come!
2 Corinthians 5:17

Then we celebrated Hanna getting her GED!
Congratulations - we are so proud of you!

Other big news for Hanna.....

She is engaged! Congrats!

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