Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I GOT IT!!!!! : )

Volleyball is always fun. We just got to learn to say

Ashley hit the ball, but this one didn't go so well
Tiffany & Kayla attempted to help her!

The back line....Tiffany, Kayla & Mrs. Denise

Lana, not a Teen Mom, but our friend who wanted to
play with us this year. Thanks for helping us!!!!

Our Cheerleader, Mrs. Jenny helped us get tough
by giving us a great pep talk.

It was so good - WE SCORED!!!!
Actually got to 4 points but didn't get that picture!

Below you will see the partial team. You girls need
to start showing up - some of the antiques are getting hurt playing!!!
Next game is Thursday, April 2nd at 6:30
Some of the girls want to go out to eat afterwards,
so if you can - we will plan on doing that.
Back Row - Antique Mrs. Denise, Kayla, Antique Mrs. Vickie
Front Row: Ashley, Lana, Anna and Tiffany

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